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I understand that Jennifer Fortunato is not a licensed physician or therapist. The intuitive information and/or energy work provided during sessions are not offered for the purposes of replacing medical advice or medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed healthcare professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have. I understand that Reiki can complement any medical or psychological care I may be receiving, and will not interfere with any such care. I understand that there are no refunds for healing sessions. I give permission for The Soul Foundry to use my email for the purposes of appointment reminders, personal communications, and promotional information. I understand that my email and personal information will be kept strictly confidential and will never be given or sold to a third party.
Cancellation Policy:
Unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. The following policies are intended to provide fair and effective service for all clients. Full 24 hour notice is required when canceling an appointment. Less than 24 hour notice will NOT be charged if you are able to schedule another appointment within the week of one you are late canceling. If not, a $50 fee will be charged to cover the time held by your appointment. Thank you for your consideration.